Football girl


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


We are having so much fun. This Thursday we are going on a fieldtrip on a reef walk to Fatu ma Futi. Then on Friday the 19th we are going to Quinn's beach. Then on Friday the following week we are going to the movie theaters with the whole school. This will be the best last weeks. Well, then theres our movie which is also cool. We are making a movie on the Samoan Myth called The Cruel Cheif. Its about a cheif who is so powerful.He is also cruel. Then the villagers would then have a meeting about finding him a beautiful wife so he wouldn't be cruel and evil to them. So they did, and her name was Savea. They forced her to marry him. Then they had a child and hoped that she wouldn't be evil as her father. The daughter's name was Tutumau. Well, I guess thats it.

See ya laterz Duvalynn


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